section 25,0

no warfare during the pilgrimage months - warning against the hypocrites

no warfare during the pilgrimage months - warning against the hypocrites
further instructions regarding hajj - invitation to complete submission
to god (i.e. islam);

197. " (the performance of) the hajj (pilgrimage) is in months
well-known, whosoever then undertakes (to perform) the hajj therein,
then let there be no intercourse, nor indulge in ungodliness,
nor disputing in the hajj. and whatever good you do, allah knows it.
and make provision, but surely the best provision is the piety.
so, have awe of me, o' people of understanding."


" (the performance of) the hajj (pilgrimage) is in months well-known, ..."

in this verse, the qur'an remarks that the rites of pilgrimage
(hajj) should be fulfilled in certain months of the year not throughout
it. the books of tradition, qur'an commentary, and jurisprudence say
that this great worship can be fulfilled only in shawwal, zil-qa`dah, and
during the first ten days of zil-hajjah, (a part of which relates
exclusively to the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days of the month
and another part of it can be performed during this whole length of

" ... whosoever then undertakes (to perform) the hajj therein,
then let there be no intercourse, nor indulge in ungodliness,
nor disputing in the hajj. ..."

this part of the verse indicates that those who have made the
performance of pilgrimage (hajj) obligatory for themselves, by putting
on pilgrim's garb and engaging in the rites of pilgrimage, should restrain
themselves from enjoying even lawful sexual association and committing
wickedness. they must avoid obscene and vain debates or foul speech
and all that appertains thereto, because the place is the site of worship,
sincerity, and abandoning the material worldly pleasures. it is an
environment from where the spirit must gain strength and, separating
from the world of material entirely, find way into the world of super
material. this status should be in a manner that the relation of
brotherhood and alliance can be tightened.
then, it adds:

" ... and whatever good you do, allah knows it. ... "

this is the first reward which is given to a good doer, because the
happiness of a true believer is, in the first stage, to know that his lord is
aware of the good action that the one has done for his sake. this, by
itself, is very delightful and delectable.

" ... and make provision, but surely the best provision is the piety. ... "

in this part of the verse the command unto the believers is due to
making provision.

it is said that at the advent of islam some people, particularly
from yemen, used to journey to mecca on pilgrimage without sufficient
provisions for their sustenance on the pretence that they trusted in
allah's help. but allah gives sustenance through natural ways and by
ordinary means. so, in this section of the verse, the qur'an enjoins upon
the pilgrims to first make the necessary provisions for the whole journey
and then, taking it with them, proceed.

by the way, the term `making provision' may point to a spiritual
aspect, meaning that besides this material provision there is another
necessary provision which should be made and that is the provision of
`piety' and `righteousness' .

this phrase contains a narrow hint to this fact that in the journey
of pilgrimage there are many instances for making spiritual provision
which should not be neglected. in mecca, the illustration of islam, the
lively scenes of the self-sacrifices of abraham, the hero of theism, and
some specific manifestation of the splendour of allah are seen, the
which that can be comprehended in no other place. those who have a
vigil spirit can gain spiritual provisions from this unique journey for their
life in this world as well as the coming one.

then, it concludes the verse by saying:

" ... so, have awe of me, o' people of understanding."

this final phrase addresses the possessors of mind and intellect
telling them that they should be pious, because it is they who enjoy the
utmost merits of this excellent educational process, while others only
share a small portion of it.